Vše Interpret Skladba Album
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 1. Latourdebaal-team  Publicite Dimmu Burger-LTDB  La tour de Baal 
 2. Latourdebaal-Team  Publicite Squeek-LTDB  La tour de Baal 
 3. brodband  The Burger Guy  ATS 
 4. WNYC, New York Public Radio  Tell Me About My Burger  The Brian Lehrer Show 
 5. Curtis  Tasty Burger  Blue Electric Cool 
 6. Curtis  Tasty Burger  Blue Electric Cool 
 7. Keith and The Girl  299: Burger Lickin'  KATG.com 
 8. Gravy Train!!!!  Burger Baby  Hello Doctor   
 9. Gravy Train!!!!  Burger Baby  Hello Doctor   
 10. Gravy Train!!!!  Burger Baby  Hello Doctor   
 11. Gravy Train!!!!  Burger Baby  Hello Doctor   
 12. Gravy Train!!!!  Burger Baby  Hello Doctor   
 13. Gravy Train!!!!  Burger Baby  Hello Doctor   
 14. I Just Shot My Sister And I'm Still Stabbing Her  Astro Burger  We Are Better Than You 
 15. the turtle gang  Burger King  Coming Out of Our Shell Demo 
 16. Go To X  06 Gotox Burger  Fast Food Beats 
 17. Craig Wedren  Burger Hole  Role Models 
 18. Gravy Train!!!!  Burger Baby  Hello Doctor   
 19. Ali Haider  Burger Wurger  Mahi 
 20. Black Spring  Love Burger  Girth 
 21. Wit Woliczko  Burger Fries  Wit Woliczko's Album 
 22. Mouth Bandits  Burger Days  Requiem for an Evil Horse 
 23. Ed Brown II  Flipping Burger Innovation!!!  Eat Ingredients 
 24. Green Saucery  In the Court of the Burger King  Alga Rhythmics 
 25. Green Saucery  In the Court of the Burger King  Alga Rhythmics 
 26. NC State Career Center  Onion Burger for Lunch  Career Talk 
 27. Green Saucery  In the Court of the Burger King  Alga Rhythmics 
 28. Christopher Butt  cook-on-burger-van-theme  Christopher Butt's Album 
 29. Paul Jacob  Big Brother vs. Burger and Fries  Common Sense, August 25 - September 5, 2008 
 30. Joe Kissell  Interesting Burger Joints  Interesting Thing of the Day 
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